TOKYO Ethical Conference” at Tokyo Women’s Plaza <> Video Photography: Yoichi Sunahara, Ryosei Kurosu<><>What is TOKYO Ethical? About<> Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike also came to the venue between her official duties to make a speech. We would like to create a big wave of ethical information from Tokyo through various information dissemination and collaborative projects with our partner companies and organizations,” she said. <><>Masayuki Kukase, Deputy Director General of the Tokyo Bureau of Ethical Affairs, gave an opening address, and TOKYO Ethical advisors Narumi Kakino and Masao Sakaguchi reviewed the current status of ethical issues, and Rika Sueyoshi, one of the advisors, gave a video message. <>Additionally, Mr. Ekuyoshi Kita, Director of the Junior Chamber International Tokyo, reported on the TOKYO MIRAI Development Project, a project to discuss ethical consumption with junior high school students as a case study of collaboration among TOKYO ethical partners. Mr. Taishi Iwashita, Director of the Consumer Information Division, explained the policy of TOKYO Ethical’s activities for this year. <>The networking session was moved to another venue, where TOKYO Ethical partner companies and organizations actively exchanged information.